You are right, but lets be honest here, nobody uses the AUG! :) You should be able to see my load out here: Personally i think that is way more important, than a little extra stability or accuracy. There is not really a big down side to silencer and it allows you to stay hidden on the minimap. Personally i run angled / folding grip + silencer on ALMOST all of my weapons. Try both things out in a match and see if you are an accuracy or stability guy. Some are better at handling the recoil than me, so they can get away with having more accuarcy and less stability. In the end it is also what you feel comfortable with. But lately i have gone for stability on those too, since it allows you to shoot lazer beams. The only wepaons i like the heavy barrel with, is weapons with really high stablity already and low rate of fire, like the SAR and AK 5C.
#Accurate 4 full Pc
It sounds counter-intuitive, but Muzzle Break + Angled Grip is really the way to go for setting up a DMR to be long ranged, even on a PC where recoil control is easy. The only exception might be the SKS which is more a close range spam-monster than a long range thing. You can fire more accurately with DMRs by reducing the recoil and just pacing your shots very slightly. You wont gain anything from the accuracy increase because by the time you've adjusted for the moster recoil the accuracy would be pinpoint anyway. It's been shown that the time it takes to reset your sight from the recoil of the first shot of a DMR is longer than it takes for the accuracy to settle back down to pinpoint.īasically, don't use a heavy barrel on a DMR. However, for DMRs they already have an incredibly high base accuracy and the first shot will always be on target, it's only the subsequent shots that are inaccurate. Oh, just to pick up on a small thing, you mention DMRs as wanting accuracy rather than stability.

Only if you plan to "snipe" with the bipod on rifles, you should go for accuracy over stability. You are much more effective if you go for stability on rifles because you get the edge on short to medium ranges. On shotguns, DMRs, sniper rifles and pistols, you want accuracy, because you dont have to sustain fire the same way as automatic weapons. A few exceptions of this could be the SAR and AK 5C where it is down to preference. Basically all rifles, carbines and LMGs, you want to go for stability, otherwise you cant hit anything after 2 - 3 shots. Accuracy is the size of the circle of which your bullet can land in.Ī good rule is, if you can hold the button to kill people, you want high stability with only a few exceptions. Stability affects how well your weapon handles under sustained fire, the higher the stability, the easier your weapon is to control. Your stability is recoil, accuracy is bullet deviation.

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